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Back to news15 Dec 2021

Gary Williamson, Kingsbridge Insurance Brokers, Liverpool

Whilst I represent one of the newest members of the network as the Managing Director of Kingsbridge Insurance Brokers, hopefully I am a familiar face to many of you having had the pleasure of working closely with many Network Members during my time in establishing the networks relationship with Citynet.

I joined the network recently because I am a firm believer that in an industry focussed on commoditisation and scale Willis Towers Watson Networks still represents something positively unique. A strong group of independent businesses working together towards common goals, who want to add true value to their clients.

In my 26yrs in the industry, I have worked across most key disciplines in various roles, as a broker, insurer & in the Lloyd’s market and bring with me an extensive network of longstanding senior industry relationships, which I am confident will assist with “deal making” and gaining insurer support on behalf of all the member brokers and projects.

Having sat in front of the Governance Committee in my role at Citynet, I appreciate its value and how it represents Network Members interests. Whilst I share the values and challenges of all the network; I believe I can offer something different to the Governance Committee and would like to offer my services to help make the network even stronger, as we move forward with further improvements to placement, deals, products, and support.

I would welcome an opportunity to join the Governance Committee and help represent fellow Network Members by bringing my experience to the committee and the clout of my business, to help build an even stronger trading platform for us all.

Thank you.

Gary Williamson

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