Changes and what we do for you
Paul Keeton retired at the end of June (although he is doing some project work with us going forward).
We welcome Michael Langman who has joined us this month and brings a depth of varied broker experiences that will benefit our relationships and Network aims.
Charlie Jones has taken the time to go through her diary since the last edition of Taste of Networks to let us know what a Willis Towers Watson Networks Business Partner does for our Network Members and our Partner Insurers.
“I have spent a lot of time with Network Members in helping place risks. I spend a lot of time navigating the resources of Willis Towers Watson and Partner Markets to ensure our Network Members find the right place to place their business for their clients. I have had quite a varied mix including, chemical risks, international, financial lines, petrol stations, care homes, transport, hotels, plastics, product recall and food & drink. It is reflective moments like this I realise what a great resource we deliver for our Network Members and wonder how they would manage such enquiries without our help!”
“I have been delighted to onboard one of our new Network Members, Cape Insurance as well as provide team member training for more established Network Members to get the best from the Network. I also enjoy working with potential prospects and giving a sample of our services”.
“I have learnt a lot in my research too and my knowledge bank has been enhanced recently by; understanding the Brexit implications on renewals, property placement, disease wordings, international placement, claim success after initial decline and international placement”.
“One area that demonstrates the essence of Network occurred when one of my newer Network Members was having difficulty placing a PI risk. I was able to put them in touch with another Network Member who has an established PI scheme and they worked together to successfully place the PI risk for the client”.
“The icing on the cake this month was directly assisting a Network Member to win a case”.